Open Office Er Download

Downloading Portable (formerly Portable is the complete office suite, including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package, and database. Download OpenOffice. is both an Open Source product and a project. The product is a multi-platform office productivity suite. It includes the key desktop applications, such as a word.

Calc is an easy to understand spreadsheet program that appeals to novice users and professional data miners and number crunchers alike.

Open'er Festival

  • Create spreadsheets with raw data and use DataPilot technology to cross-tabulate, summarize and convert into meaningful information.
  • Provides features not in Excel — Natural language formulas, Intelligent Sum Button, Scenario Manager and Solver allow for data manipulation and easy-to-understand analysis without having to create multiple data charts.
  • Export spreadsheets to PDF format for easy file sharing.
  • Many features mirror Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 and are familiar to users.
  • Fully compatible with Excel formatting. Supports multiple users by sharing their spreadsheets and easily integrating data; avoids editing conflicts.
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Apache OpenOffice

Apache OpenOffice - Full Installation vs. Language Pack

By default Apache OpenOffice is offering a single language when installing a full installation. Full installation means that all application modules (Write, Calc, Impress, etc.) are available. The term does not belong to languages.

Open Office Download 2020 Free


When you want to use one or more languages in OpenOffice for the user interface (for example, menus, dialogs and messages ) and help topics then it is recommended to use language packs. The idea is to have a base installation for, e.g., English (US) and additional languages on top without a need to install a full installation for every language. For this every language pack has to be installed over a full installation. Important is that the same version number and platform has to fit to the base installation (for example, it is not possible to install a language pack from release 4.1.2 over the base installation of 4.1.3).

Open Office Er Download Free

Language packs contain only resource files to show menus, dialogs, messages, etc. in your favorite language but there is no program logic. In case text is not fully localized some elements of the user interface or help topics will display in English as default language.

After the language pack is installed the new language can be switched via the menu 'Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages - User Interface'.

Please note:
Currently dictionaries are not included in language packs, only in full installations. This limitation is a technical issue still to be fixed, see Bug 124473 for more details.
Users who install language packs must take an extra step to manually download the matching dictionary from the Extensions website.
Dictionaries get improved independently of the release schedule of OpenOffice and are offered separately. They can be updated at any time when new versions are released.